This past week, I met with a friend, and I was so motivated by his love and passion for God and people. So, all I was thinking these past days was love, love for God, love for people. It's good to have people that bring freshness to your life, to your spiritual life.
We Christians are so funny (not in a good way). I was thinking of myself and I realized that I tried to organize GOD'S LOVE. It doesn't work like that. You either love or you don't. We get so caught up in 'Should we do this? Am I called to do this? Should I help this person?' When Jesus told us clearly: 'LOVE AS I LOVED.'
When was the last time you looked in a person's eyes, when was the last time you tried to see his soul, not his appearance? When was the last time you stopped and looked beyond the rudeness and saw a hurt soul? When was the last time you looked beyond a faded smile and saw loneliness? And when was the last time you stopped and cared?
The Word of God says '
Do not judge', Jesus himself did not come '
to condemn the world', so who are we to judge?

To make myself more understood, I'll give you an example that happened to me yesterday. A kid that is begging from time to time came around, I talked to him a little (this time he did not ask for anything) and inside me I thought that why should I give him anything, he is begging. Maybe he is even drinking, smoking, but then God spoke. I am not called to judge, I am called TO LOVE. Maybe giving a sandwich is a way to show that you care, that you love. Maybe stopping from your busy schedule and talk to a person that just needs somebody to talk to, is showing His love.
God puts divine moments in everyday life, moments that will change a life and surely will change your heart. We have to start chasing those moments, and not let them pass by.

My thought and struggle was, 'but what if the person doesn't change, what if the person continues to beg, or drink, or smoke or whatever?' It doesn't matter, you are called to Love unconditionally. Jesus was caring his cross, no one changed at the moment, everyone abandoned him actually, and still HE loved until the end. You know why I think Jesus went until the end? Not necessarily because He saw the future, but I think it is because He looked in people's eyes. He did not see leprosy, he saw a soul that needs healing. He did not see a soldier beating him up, He saw a lost soul that needed Him to die in order to be saved.
What do you see when you look around. Stop a second and look around you.

What do you see? Do you know what I see? I see a world that is hurting, a world that needs to be loved and I see one more thing : I see God's heart earning for His children to stop judging and start loving.
Anyways this is just a little bit of what's on my heart these days.
Be blessed, raise up, live and love.
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