The other day in my devotional time with God, I was thanking God for a brand new day that He gave me. And then it hit me, I know that I thought about it before and that many times this was in my mind, but what if today would be my last day on earth. Did I managed to make a difference in 22 years that I lived on this earth?
I believe that as Christians there are two ways you can choose to live your life: the invisible way and the difference way.
The invisible way, I tell you from the beginning that it is the easiest way. It means that you go through life, you and your own life, your problems, you and a bit of God here and there. No body ever knows how you feel, what you're up to, no one knows when you're on the mountain, or struggling in the valley. Being invisible no one can judge you, no one can point at you, no one can get close enough to get to know you. An invisible man never leaves a mark, no one knows that he's been there. It's easy because no body bugs you, but at the end, when it's your last day, your time to go will come and yes maybe you'll barely make it to heaven, but you made it. But the earth? Life is just a second, and that's the second that makes your eternity count, how then is that second? You will realize then that you lived, and no one got to know you, some people, maybe many, will be there at your funeral, but an hour after that, you will be forgotten. Why? Because Invisible people, are just a shadow of what they should be, whatever an invisible person makes, it's invisible.
This way is the easiest, but the loneliest, the one that is basicaly a waste, the most insignificant. Does it worth to pay the price just because it's the easiest?
The difference way, it has to do with people that make a difference, it's about people that are the difference. It's the hardest one, people see you, they see you when you are successful, but they also see you when you fall, they see you in your best and in your worst. When you walk on this way people will judge you, people will fail you, people will brake your heart, some will love you, others might hate you. When you walk on this way you are totally dependent on God, totally passionate about Him.
There is the negative side, but the rewards you get from walking on this way are enormous.
Every human being has in itself a desire to count for something, to know that his/her life hasn't been for nothing. Walking on the difference way will surely meet this need, because when you walk on this way, you do leave a mark behind, you do make a difference.
To show you what I mean I will put here what I wrote in my praying notebook that morning:
"Lord I thank you for this brand new day that you've given me, I don't know which will be my last day, but I do know that I would like to live everyday leaving a mark behind. And if I would be to die today, I would like to know that I left a mark behind, to know that I changed at least the world around me, at least a life. To know that at least I succeeded to bring a smile to a heartbroken person, a light of hope to a desperate family, to know that I wiped a tear from a lonely person, assuring him that he is not alone. I would like to know that when those who know me will think about me, in their hearts they will think of Jesus. Today is a new day, in which i can choose to either go the invisible way or make a difference. But those leaving a mark behind will be rewarded, they will honor Him, they will change lives..."
That's part of my discussion with God that morning and I'm telling you it worths taking the difference way. It's hard, but the recompense you get from it doesn't even compare to the hardship of walking on this way.
Remember you can make the difference, you are the difference. It's your choice, the invisible or the difference way?
Be blessed
I think we need to make a difference in this world, showing the image of Christ in us. Thank you pretty 'coz you remembered it to me.bless you.