The other day in my devotional time with God, I was thanking God for a brand new day that He gave me. And then it hit me, I know that I thought about it before and that many times this was in my mind, but what if today would be my last day on earth. Did I managed to make a difference in 22 years that I lived on this earth?
I believe that as Christians there are two ways you can choose to live your life: the invisible way and the difference way.
The invisible way, I tell you from the beginning that it is the easiest way. It means that you go through life, you and your own life, your problems, you and a bit of God here and there. No body ever knows how you feel, what you're up to, no one knows when you're on the mountain, or struggling in the valley. Being invisible no one can judge you, no one can point at you, no one can get close enough to get to know you. An invisible man never leaves a mark, no one knows that he's been there. It's easy because no body bugs you, but at the end, when it's your last day, your time to go will come and yes maybe you'll barely make it to heaven, but you made it. But the earth? Life is just a second, and that's the second that makes your eternity count, how then is that second? You will realize then that you lived, and no one got to know you, some people, maybe many, will be there at your funeral, but an hour after that, you will be forgotten. Why? Because Invisible people, are just a shadow of what they should be, whatever an invisible person makes, it's invisible.
This way is the easiest, but the loneliest, the one that is basicaly a waste, the most insignificant. Does it worth to pay the price just because it's the easiest?
The difference way, it has to do with people that make a difference, it's about people that are the difference. It's the hardest one, people see you, they see you when you are successful, but they also see you when you fall, they see you in your best and in your worst. When you walk on this way people will judge you, people will fail you, people will brake your heart, some will love you, others might hate you. When you walk on this way you are totally dependent on God, totally passionate about Him.
There is the negative side, but the rewards you get from walking on this way are enormous.
Every human being has in itself a desire to count for something, to know that his/her life hasn't been for nothing. Walking on the difference way will surely meet this need, because when you walk on this way, you do leave a mark behind, you do make a difference.
To show you what I mean I will put here what I wrote in my praying notebook that morning:
"Lord I thank you for this brand new day that you've given me, I don't know which will be my last day, but I do know that I would like to live everyday leaving a mark behind. And if I would be to die today, I would like to know that I left a mark behind, to know that I changed at least the world around me, at least a life. To know that at least I succeeded to bring a smile to a heartbroken person, a light of hope to a desperate family, to know that I wiped a tear from a lonely person, assuring him that he is not alone. I would like to know that when those who know me will think about me, in their hearts they will think of Jesus. Today is a new day, in which i can choose to either go the invisible way or make a difference. But those leaving a mark behind will be rewarded, they will honor Him, they will change lives..."
That's part of my discussion with God that morning and I'm telling you it worths taking the difference way. It's hard, but the recompense you get from it doesn't even compare to the hardship of walking on this way.
Remember you can make the difference, you are the difference. It's your choice, the invisible or the difference way?
Be blessed
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
For YOU.....
Hey God,
On this blog I talk a lot about You, about our thoughts, discussion, but I never dedicated a post to You literally, just writing to you and it's time to do so.
Well what can I say, Lord you are amazing and gorgeous. I never really saw Your face even though so many times I wish I could, but I do know that you are the most beautiful thing ever. I'd never heard your voice as an audible voice, but I do know that it's the best sound in the whole world.
You are... You are the love of my heart, of my life. And if I would have to write on 3 cards the 3 most important things in my life, you would be my card no.1, the card I'd never let go.There were times when I dropped that card, but thank you for never dropping on me.
Lord, You are the only one who knows me better than I know myself, you saw me through my worst and through my best. You saw me when I wanted to give it all up, but you never gave up on me. You were there when I shouted 'Crucify him' and you... you hang on that cross, for who? For me. I was the one, not the roman soldier, creating wounds on your body, and still when the time came and you could have created as many wounds as you wanted in me, you?!... You picked me up, cleaned me and healed my wounds. You took the ashes of what once was a caterpillar and created a beautiful butterfly.
You saved me not just once, but 3 times, you know what I mean by that. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. You tought me how to love, how to smile, how to laugh, how to hope. Whatever is good in me, it's because of you. No matter what my heart told me at the time, I know now that I was never alone. You were and are in every beat of my heart.
Now, now there are still times when I let you down, I know it, I know every time I bring sadness to You, sometimes I do it intentionally, sometimes I have no idea I did it, and still you love, still you hope, still you believe in me. When you look at me, you don't see just what I am now, you see beyond, you see what I can be.
Lord you have such a great dream for me, you could make it happen and every detail to be as you wish, but still you choose to let me dream with you, you let me put my imperfect creation into action.
I love you! I don't always feel it, but I do love you. I can't do much, but what I can I will. You gave me life, and my life I want to give it back to you as my dedication to you.
I love you and I'll use my every breath loving you, and when the time comes for me to go HOME, I will hug you and give you a kiss on your cheek, I will stay in wonder, overwhelmed by the joy, the beauty, the love, the light, the perfection that I'll literally see in front on my eyes. I can't wait to be there...
I love you!
To you, my love, my sunshine, my hope, my faith, my best friend, my companion, my GOD.
On this blog I talk a lot about You, about our thoughts, discussion, but I never dedicated a post to You literally, just writing to you and it's time to do so.
Well what can I say, Lord you are amazing and gorgeous. I never really saw Your face even though so many times I wish I could, but I do know that you are the most beautiful thing ever. I'd never heard your voice as an audible voice, but I do know that it's the best sound in the whole world.
You are... You are the love of my heart, of my life. And if I would have to write on 3 cards the 3 most important things in my life, you would be my card no.1, the card I'd never let go.There were times when I dropped that card, but thank you for never dropping on me.
Lord, You are the only one who knows me better than I know myself, you saw me through my worst and through my best. You saw me when I wanted to give it all up, but you never gave up on me. You were there when I shouted 'Crucify him' and you... you hang on that cross, for who? For me. I was the one, not the roman soldier, creating wounds on your body, and still when the time came and you could have created as many wounds as you wanted in me, you?!... You picked me up, cleaned me and healed my wounds. You took the ashes of what once was a caterpillar and created a beautiful butterfly.
You saved me not just once, but 3 times, you know what I mean by that. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. You tought me how to love, how to smile, how to laugh, how to hope. Whatever is good in me, it's because of you. No matter what my heart told me at the time, I know now that I was never alone. You were and are in every beat of my heart.
Now, now there are still times when I let you down, I know it, I know every time I bring sadness to You, sometimes I do it intentionally, sometimes I have no idea I did it, and still you love, still you hope, still you believe in me. When you look at me, you don't see just what I am now, you see beyond, you see what I can be.
Lord you have such a great dream for me, you could make it happen and every detail to be as you wish, but still you choose to let me dream with you, you let me put my imperfect creation into action.
I love you! I don't always feel it, but I do love you. I can't do much, but what I can I will. You gave me life, and my life I want to give it back to you as my dedication to you.
I love you and I'll use my every breath loving you, and when the time comes for me to go HOME, I will hug you and give you a kiss on your cheek, I will stay in wonder, overwhelmed by the joy, the beauty, the love, the light, the perfection that I'll literally see in front on my eyes. I can't wait to be there...
I love you!
To you, my love, my sunshine, my hope, my faith, my best friend, my companion, my GOD.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Love as HE loved...
Love, a word that has so little meaning for some, and so much sense for others. For some, "love" is reduced to merely a feeling, to others is a verb, to others it means absolutely nothing, as they never truly experienced what love means.
For me, LOVE means self giving, acceptance, trust, security, affection. For God, it meant the supreme sacrifice, His Only Son.
I was reading 1Corinthians 13, 'The chapter of love', we all know it, and we all read it. I realized that this chapter is a chapter you hear talking from at weddings. I remember when I was younger, every time I used to like a boy a lot, I used to go to the Bible and read 1 Corinthians 13. I didn't understand the depth of the words written there,but I knew that's where the Bible talks about love.
Most of the preachings I heard preached from this chapter were at weddings. We are tought, indirectly, that this chapter is applied to marriage only.
I believe the time is NOW, when we have to enlarge our vision, see beyond what we were tought. Jesus said that the greatest command it is 'to love your neighbor as He loved us'. It's time to take the Bible out and read again 1 Corinthians 13, because, I believe we should read it in relation to all people, we were called to love all people.
We tried to romanticize this chapter and attribute it to certain areas of our lives only, and sometimes not even to our own lives, as it is easier to see the wrong of the other person. But this chapter is nothing about romanticism, it doesn't talk about dates and roses and candles. It talks about hard work, it talks about humbleness, it talks about believing the best in the other person, it talks about selflessness.
This chapter is put between two very important chapters, one chapter that talk about the body of Christ (the church), and another one that talks about the gifts that we are given from God. But in the middle Paul decided, I believe inspired by God, to speak about LOVE. Why? Because you can be the 'perfect christian', having the greatest gift, and if your motivation is not love, if you do all this, but not out of love it's all equal to zero.
We are called to love, not just our spouse, or family, or friends. We are called to love all people as He loves us. How did He loved me? Dying for me, bearing all my sins, shame, weakness. How does He love me? Believing the best of me at all times, seeing beyond what I am now, forgiving me everytime I do something wrong, having the greatest patience with me, as I fall over and over again. How does He love me? Waiting with his arms open for me to come back, everytime I go away and hurt Him; holding me in my weaknesses. That's just a very very small part of how much He loves me. And I am called to love everyone like that.
I challenge you to read 1 Corinthians 13 one more time (written below), and read every word, knowing that you are suppose to do what Paul urges us to in this chapter, to all people.
Be blessed and be a blessing.
Love Is the Greatest
If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever! Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! But when full understanding comes, these partial things will become useless.When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Freedom in the middle of brokenness...
Yeah I was thinking if I should write, but then I thought why not to talk about the experiences we go through, that's how we can encourage each other not to give up in the middle of struggle.
Anyways, since that prayer I entered a season of brokenness and very much a brokenness at the emotional level. And man it hurts, you just feel like every little piece brakes out of you. It is as if you would cut somebody open with no anesthetic. And you might think "Good that you told me, I'll never make that prayer in my whole life."
But let me tell you something. It's been a very hard emotionally week for me this past week. I mean I had to deal with my fears so much in a sense that I felt the pain as if my husband already died. Agony, tears, brokenness. But you know what? I know that this season is not yet finished for me, but for the first time in my life I felt so free. I'm not scared anymore. Through all this breaking I got to trust God 100% completely. I do not hold the day of tomorrow, not even the next second. I don't know if a plane will ever crash with me, or if my husband will die now, or if something will hit the earth, I have no control over such things. But I look at the day of tomorrow and I laugh, I am not scared anymore. I can finally breath. All I know it is that God is in control, that if any of this things will ever happen, God will give me the strength to go through, and I know that He will never leave me. I trust him completely. And man it is worth it all this pain.
Is God Your everything? Would He be enough for you? If you would be to loose everything you hold dear, everything you have, would you still love Him? would you still trust Him?
This past week and so, God became my everything. Up to now God was my everything, but only next to having my husband next to me, having health, and all the good things He gave me in the first place. But now God is truly, completely, my everything. And I am not yet where I am suppose to be as a person, but right now at this moment, I believe I am where I am suppose to be.
So not long time ago I prayed and talked to God and asked Him to help me fall in love with Him, but literally fall in love with the butterfly in the stomach and everything, the whole package, and I believe that it is possible to be so madly in love with God.

But story did not finish here. Yes it is so painful, but I'm also starting to reap the fruits. Have you ever been scared in your life? Do you have fears in your life? Well you are not the only one. I had some, I like to say had, because I want to believe that I am free. These days of brokenness and pain, set me free from fear.
I was afraid of what if my husband dies, or also I had a very big fear of planes, that either one that I am in will crash or one plane will crash in the building I was living in. Or I was afraid at night that what if something hits the earth and I die in agony. Fears after fears, from the most weird ones to actually quite normal ones.

The other evening I came back home from work and as I was walking, it was dark, the sky looked so beautiful, and suddenly a loud noise, it was a military plane I think. Normally my heart would stop for a second, but not anymore. I stopped in the middle of the road and I looked up at it, beautiful. No more fear.
I have to go through all this, I believe because I have to break from anything that holds me, to be able to surrender it all to Him, in order to fall totally, completely, madly in love with HIM, my God, my Lord, my Savior, my friend, my everything.
Is God Your everything? Would He be enough for you? If you would be to loose everything you hold dear, everything you have, would you still love Him? would you still trust Him?

I am learning so many things....some painful, some hard, some even look impossible. I know that I'm still on the journey, but I will be on the journey as long as I will be on this earth.
If you find yourself in a season of brokenness right now, don't be discouraged, GOD always brings out beautiful things.
I know that we are all a precious diamond to GOD, but right now, for me, it's a time when HE becomes my most precious diamond.
Be blessed
If you find yourself in a season of brokenness right now, don't be discouraged, GOD always brings out beautiful things.
I know that we are all a precious diamond to GOD, but right now, for me, it's a time when HE becomes my most precious diamond.
Be blessed
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Not a very long time ago i was praying about humbleness. I think is a key in our journey on this earth. Humbleness brings greatness.
Anyways as I prayed I thought about the passage in John 8:58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” Jesus was the Son of God but in the same time He was a humble person.
What does humbleness means? As I found it defined in the dictionary it was something like 'marked by modesty in behavior, attitude or spirit.' If you want humbleness is the opposite of pride. Is not looking down on people. But in the same time to be humble doesn't mean to have a low self-esteem, humbleness does not mean insecurity. I believe that a humble person knows what he/she is able to do, know the gifts he/she has, but doesn't boast about it, it is not proud, and knows that everything he/she is, it's through GOD.
Jesus was a humble person. He knew that He was the Son of God but He didn't boast about Him, or what He did, He boasted in the Father.
With true humility comes great and divine authority. I like this passage from John 8, Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and they were saying that they are the sons of God, and when Jesus said that he was the 'I am' they wanted to kill him because what He declared that He was GOD, the covenant keeping God, He was declaring that He was Jehovah, Yahweh. When Jesus declared this, He did not say it in pride or insecurity, He declared in humility, but with great divine authority. Because with great humility comes great authority given by the Almighty one, our GOD.
As you grow in humbleness, you will also grow in the authority God gives you.
And then the last point is that humility comes with maturity, or maturity comes with humility. I don't really know which is the better way to put it, but the truth is that it comes together. Only a spiritually mature person can actually be humble.
You might be thinking now 'Well Alex, that's not gonna be me, I'm not mature, not even close'., Well I don't want you to feel discouraged because, I, myself am on this journey. Maturity and humbleness doesn't just happen, we grow into it. Little by little, faithful first in small things and then growing into bigger things. I do fail even now, but this doesn't mean I am not going to go for it again. We are a righteous people not because we are so perfect, or spiritually mature, but because of Jesus.
I like what Proverbs 24:16 says 'for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again,
but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes'. We are human so we will fall, it is impossible to be perfect on this earth, but we go for it and inspire to be as close to perfection as possible. But the difference is that a righteous man even if it falls 7times a day, he will get up and try again.
but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes'. We are human so we will fall, it is impossible to be perfect on this earth, but we go for it and inspire to be as close to perfection as possible. But the difference is that a righteous man even if it falls 7times a day, he will get up and try again.
So be encouraged, pray for humility, chase humility, live humility, and when you fall, remember that you are a righteous person and get up, try again and NEVER GIVE UP!!
Be blessed
A song...
I just found this and i thought I'll post it.
Few years ago I was coming out of a season of brokenness and as I played a little bit with the piano I came out with a very simple but from the heart song. I don't remember the chords or how the melody sounds like, but i do have the lyrics and every word is so true.
Thank you God for not giving up on me.
So yeah, if it happens that you go through a storm or a season of brokenness remember that GOD never gives up on You. He's the one that goes with you through your struggles, holds you through your weaknesses, always loving you, believing in you.
Be blessed
Few years ago I was coming out of a season of brokenness and as I played a little bit with the piano I came out with a very simple but from the heart song. I don't remember the chords or how the melody sounds like, but i do have the lyrics and every word is so true.
Thank you God for not giving up on me.
'I remember when darkness
Surrounded my life
Everything I had dear I lost it somehow
I was looking around but there was no one
Until you opened my eyes
Then I saw you were there
I love you
I give myself to you
You're my everything
And everything I need
Is You!'
So yeah, if it happens that you go through a storm or a season of brokenness remember that GOD never gives up on You. He's the one that goes with you through your struggles, holds you through your weaknesses, always loving you, believing in you.
Be blessed
Thursday, September 29, 2011

We Christians are so funny (not in a good way). I was thinking of myself and I realized that I tried to organize GOD'S LOVE. It doesn't work like that. You either love or you don't. We get so caught up in 'Should we do this? Am I called to do this? Should I help this person?' When Jesus told us clearly: 'LOVE AS I LOVED.'
When was the last time you looked in a person's eyes, when was the last time you tried to see his soul, not his appearance? When was the last time you stopped and looked beyond the rudeness and saw a hurt soul? When was the last time you looked beyond a faded smile and saw loneliness? And when was the last time you stopped and cared?
The Word of God says 'Do not judge', Jesus himself did not come 'to condemn the world', so who are we to judge?

God puts divine moments in everyday life, moments that will change a life and surely will change your heart. We have to start chasing those moments, and not let them pass by.

What do you see when you look around. Stop a second and look around you.

Anyways this is just a little bit of what's on my heart these days.
Be blessed, raise up, live and love.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Tocmai am terminat de citit cartea 'Onest cu Dumnezeu?' de Bill Hybels, o carte pe care o recomand tuturor care vor sa devina crestini autentici.
Spre sfarsitul cartii, Bill, vorbeste despre faptul ca avem nevoie si de momente de solitudine, de refacere, de regenerare facand poate ceea ce ne place.
Si el scrie o meditatie care imi place si pe care m'am gandit sa o scriu si eu.
"Am irosit o ora intr'o dimineata langa un parau de munte.
Am urmarit cu privirea un nor si l'am transformat intr'un vis.
In racoarea diminetii, departe de zbuciumul oamenilor
Am irosit o seara de vara si mi'am faurit iarasi vise.
Isosit? Poate.
Asa spun oamenii care nu am umblat niciodata cu Dumnezeu...
Cand aleile sunt pline de purpuriu si liliac si de galben de margarete.
Dar eu am gasit putere dupa truda mea
In acea scurta ora de seara.
Am gasit bucurie si multumire.
Am gasit pace si putere.
Visarea mi'a lasat o comoara,
O speranta adevarata si tare.
Viata mi'am cladit'o din ore irosite si mi'am improspatat credinta."
- autor anonim-
Si ca sa sustin ceea ce autorul acestei meditatii sustinea, o sa impartasesc o experienta de a mea de genul.
Eram in scoala, la colegiul biblic, in plina sesiune, cu ore de studiiu, fiecare se pregatea pentru examene, pe langa aceastea aveam programul normal super incarcat de la 7:30 pana la 10:30 seara. Ma simteam epuizata, stresata si prea multa presiune. Intr'o seara in timp ce invatam, imi era foarte greu sa ma concetrez asa ca am decis sa ies un pic afara sa ma plimb. Am luat ipod-ul si am iesit la o plimbare. Am petrecut aproximativ 30-45min si am petrecut'o intr'o plimbare cu Dumnezeu. Nu m;am rugat, nu am zis nimica, dar dupa am fost asa de revigorata. In tot timpul am simtit prezenta lui Dumnezeu, era acolo cu mine.
Asa ca daca si tu simti ca esti la capatul puterii, prea mult stres poate ai nevoie de o pauza, de o ora sau o zi, departe de aglomeratia din fiecare zi.
Fi binecuvantat!
Spre sfarsitul cartii, Bill, vorbeste despre faptul ca avem nevoie si de momente de solitudine, de refacere, de regenerare facand poate ceea ce ne place.
Si el scrie o meditatie care imi place si pe care m'am gandit sa o scriu si eu.

Am urmarit cu privirea un nor si l'am transformat intr'un vis.
In racoarea diminetii, departe de zbuciumul oamenilor
Am irosit o seara de vara si mi'am faurit iarasi vise.
Isosit? Poate.
Asa spun oamenii care nu am umblat niciodata cu Dumnezeu...
Cand aleile sunt pline de purpuriu si liliac si de galben de margarete.
Dar eu am gasit putere dupa truda mea
In acea scurta ora de seara.
Am gasit bucurie si multumire.
Am gasit pace si putere.
Visarea mi'a lasat o comoara,
O speranta adevarata si tare.
Viata mi'am cladit'o din ore irosite si mi'am improspatat credinta."
- autor anonim-
Si ca sa sustin ceea ce autorul acestei meditatii sustinea, o sa impartasesc o experienta de a mea de genul.
Eram in scoala, la colegiul biblic, in plina sesiune, cu ore de studiiu, fiecare se pregatea pentru examene, pe langa aceastea aveam programul normal super incarcat de la 7:30 pana la 10:30 seara. Ma simteam epuizata, stresata si prea multa presiune. Intr'o seara in timp ce invatam, imi era foarte greu sa ma concetrez asa ca am decis sa ies un pic afara sa ma plimb. Am luat ipod-ul si am iesit la o plimbare. Am petrecut aproximativ 30-45min si am petrecut'o intr'o plimbare cu Dumnezeu. Nu m;am rugat, nu am zis nimica, dar dupa am fost asa de revigorata. In tot timpul am simtit prezenta lui Dumnezeu, era acolo cu mine.
Asa ca daca si tu simti ca esti la capatul puterii, prea mult stres poate ai nevoie de o pauza, de o ora sau o zi, departe de aglomeratia din fiecare zi.
Fi binecuvantat!
Friday, January 21, 2011
In prima parte am vorbit mai mult despre domeniile in care trebuie sa se intample trezirea spirituala. Acum in partea a doua as dori sa vorbim despre modul in care putem sa aducem o trezire spirituala.
In primul rand cred ca trebuie clarificat faptul ca nu noi aducem trezirea spirituala ci Dumnezeu este Cel care face ca lucrurile sa se intample. Dar asta nu inseamna ca noi nu trebuie sa facem nimic. Atata timp cat noi ne facem partea noastra si Dumnezeu isi va face partea Lui.
Partea noastra in legatura cu trezirea spirituala se poate spune in doua cuvinte: dragoste si rugaciune. Trebuie sa iubim asa cum ne'a iubit Cristos, iar apoi trebuie sa ne rugam, sa cerem, sa mijlocim.
Pana cand am stat de vorba cu Dumnezeu intr'o zi, am crezut ca singurul lucru pe care trebuie sa'l fac pentru o trezire spirituala este sa ma rog, dar este total gresit, in sensul ca nu este singurul lucru pe care trebuie sa'l facem si nici macar primul, dar este o parte pe care trebuie sa o facem.
Isus a redus intreaga lege a Vechiului Testament in 2 porunci: prima 'Sa iubesti pe Domnul Dumnezeul tau cu toata inima ta, cu tot sufletul tau si cu tot cugetul tau' ( Matei 22: 37), iar a doua 'Sa iubesti pe aproapele tau ca pe tine insuti' ( Matei 22:39), iar apoi intr'o alta imprejurare Isus a redus aceste porunci intr'una singura 'Să vă iubiţi unii pe alţii; cum v-am iubit Eu, aşa să vă iubiţi şi voi unii pe alţii'. (Ioan 13:34).
Personal am ajuns la concluzia ca Dumnezeu ne cere doua lucruri sa facem in legatura cu trezirea spirituala, primul este sa'i iubim pe ceilalti cum ne'a iubit El, iar apoi sa ne rugam pentru o trezire.
1 Corinteni 13 vorbeste despre acest fel de dragoste, si in versetul 13 gasim ' dar cea mai mare dintre ele este dragostea.'
Atat dragostea cat si rugaciunea pornesc din primul punct discutat in partea intai. Din relatia nostra cu Dumnezeu. Doar daca pornim dintr'o intimitate cu Dumnezeu putem sa ii iubim pe ceilalti cum ne'a iubit Cristos, doar in aceasta relatie gasim puterea, si resursele sa facem astfel. Totul incepe din relatia noastra cu Dumnezeu, o relatie buna si sanatoasa cu El, va aduce echilibru in toate domeniile vietii noastre.
In primul rand ar trebui sa venim cu toate asteptarile noastre si sa le lasam la picioarele lui Cristos. Trebuie sa luam toate drepturile noastre si sa le aducem la picioarele lui Cristos. Daca vrem sa iubim asa cum ne'a iubit El trebuie sa facem asta. Cristos s'a dezbracat pe sine de roba de rege si s'a facut om, a fost ascultator, ne'a iubit atat de mult incat si'a dat viata pentru noi.
Vom relua putin punctele discutate in prima parte ca sa discutam despre ceea ce noi trebuie sa facem in fiecare domeniu.
1. Casnicia si familia noastra.
Sa'mi iubesc sotul/sotia/copiii asa cum m'a iubit Cristos. Wow, o provocare care parca ma intrece, parca e imposibil de urmat. Adica sa ma las pe mine si sa'mi pun sotul/sotia in fata mea, apoi sa'mi pun copii inainte mea. Doamne e imposibil ceea ce'mi ceri!. Dar Cristos ne indeamna ' Indrazniti ca'ci eu am biruit lumea' (Ioan 16:33), apoi tot El ne asigura 'La Dumnezeu toate lucrurile sunt cu putinta' ( Matei 19:26).
Reciteste 1 Corinteni 13 din nou si in timp ce'l citesti roaga pe Duhul Sfant sa'ti arate ce trebuie sa schimbi in relatia ta cu sotul/sotia ta in relatia cu copii tai.
Nu uita sa iubesti ca si Cristos inseamna sa pui sotul/sotia ta inaintea ta si apoi din nou in relatia ta cu copiii tai sa'i pui pe ei inainte ta. Nu v'a fi usor, dar merita sa mergi pana la capat, merita sacrificiul, pentru ca asta va aduce la o casnicie implinita, o familie fericita.
Apoi bineinteles trebuie sa ne rugam ca Dumnezeu sa aduca trezire in casnicia si familia noastra.
2. Biserica locala
Din nou ni se cere aceleasi doua lucruri pe care trebuie sa le fac, sa'mi iubesc fratii si surorile asa cum m'a iubit El. Inseamna sa'i pun pe ei inaintea lor, inseamna sa ma bucur de succesul lor, inseamna sa le slujesc cu o atitudine corecta, inseamna sa ma bucur cand altul este promovat in locul meu, cand altul este laudat in locul meu., inseamna sa'l vad pe fiecare prin ochii lui Cristos. Sa lasi ca invidia, ura, gelozia, razbunarea, resentimentele, si orice altceva ce nu este de la Dumnezeu sa fie inlocuite de dragoste, iertare, rabdare, bucurie, o inima slujitoare. Crede ceea ce e mai bun din fiecare, cand vorbesti cu cineva despre altcineva, inlocuieste cuvintele cicalitoare si de judecata, cu cuvinte de lauda. Dragostea face toate aceste lucruri (1 Corinteni 13:4-7).
3. Bisericiile crestine din orasul meu
Apoi urmeaza celelalte biserici, de alte denominatiuni ca si a ta, care au un mod diferit de a se ruga, un mod diferit de a se inchina, un mod diferit de a se imbraca, un mod diferit de a fi.
De multe ori percepem ceva gresit, ceva ce nu este ca si noi.
Dar Cristos ne cere sa'i iubim pe fratii penticostali, pe fratii baptisti, pe fratii ortodocsi exact cum ne'a iubit El.
Si poate aici trebuie sa ne gandim un pic altfel. Noi suntem doar o piesa de puzzle din tabloul mare a lui Dumenzeu. De multe ori avem impresia ca noi suntem cei mai buni, noi avem totul corect, avem ce sa le daruim celorlalti, dar nu avem ce primi de la ceilalti. Gresit, total gresit. Cred ca foarte mult dragostea pentru bisericiile din alte denominatiuni consta in primul rand in acceptare. Sa'i acceptam asa cum sunt.Si apoi sa realizam ca avem ce invata de la fiecare denominatiune. De exemplu de Bisericiile Penticostale avem de invatat ca Duhul Sfant este activ si astazi si ca El doreste sa dea daruri care sa fie folosite pentru folosul celorlati. Apoi de la Biserica Baptista avem de invatat calitatea in muzica. Este adevarat ca Dumnezeu cauta o inima care sa i se inchine, dar de ce daruim ce avem mai bun celorlati si nu lui Dumenzeu. Trebuie sa daruim ce'i mai bun in muzica de inchinare de asemenea. Apoi de la Biserica Ortodoxa avem de invatat acel spirit de sfintire cu care ei trateaza Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu. Pentru noi de obicei este doar Biblia, o carte, pe care o aruncam de ici colo. Trebuie sa invatam de la ei sa ne uitam la Dumnezeu si ca si la un Dumnezeu SFANT, nu doar prietenul nostru.
Sa invatam ca noi suntem doar o piesa din puzzle, si avem ce da altor denominatiuni, dar avem si ce invata de ele.
Si apoi Cristos ne indeamna sa'i iubim pe ceilalti asa cum ne'a iubit El, ceilalti insemnand oamenii din comunitatea, orasul in care traiesti, sa fim mainile si picioarele lui Cristos. Sa dam o paine celui ce nu are, o haina celui caruia ii este frig, un pahar de apa celui ce ii este sete. Oportunitati sunt destule, trebuie doar sa invatam sa le vedem.
In toate aceste domenii dragostea este sustinuta de rugaciune. Dragostea merge mana in mana cu rugaciunea.
Iubeste cum a Iubit CRISTOS, Roaga'te cu pasiune si asteapta sa vezi ce va face Dumnezeu.
Daca alegi sa faci lucrurile astea, vei vedea lucruri mari din partea Lui.
Multumesc din nou ca ti'ai luat timpul si ai citit aceste ganduri care sper sa te ajute.
God bless
In primul rand cred ca trebuie clarificat faptul ca nu noi aducem trezirea spirituala ci Dumnezeu este Cel care face ca lucrurile sa se intample. Dar asta nu inseamna ca noi nu trebuie sa facem nimic. Atata timp cat noi ne facem partea noastra si Dumnezeu isi va face partea Lui.
Partea noastra in legatura cu trezirea spirituala se poate spune in doua cuvinte: dragoste si rugaciune. Trebuie sa iubim asa cum ne'a iubit Cristos, iar apoi trebuie sa ne rugam, sa cerem, sa mijlocim.
Pana cand am stat de vorba cu Dumnezeu intr'o zi, am crezut ca singurul lucru pe care trebuie sa'l fac pentru o trezire spirituala este sa ma rog, dar este total gresit, in sensul ca nu este singurul lucru pe care trebuie sa'l facem si nici macar primul, dar este o parte pe care trebuie sa o facem.
Isus a redus intreaga lege a Vechiului Testament in 2 porunci: prima 'Sa iubesti pe Domnul Dumnezeul tau cu toata inima ta, cu tot sufletul tau si cu tot cugetul tau' ( Matei 22: 37), iar a doua 'Sa iubesti pe aproapele tau ca pe tine insuti' ( Matei 22:39), iar apoi intr'o alta imprejurare Isus a redus aceste porunci intr'una singura 'Să vă iubiţi unii pe alţii; cum v-am iubit Eu, aşa să vă iubiţi şi voi unii pe alţii'. (Ioan 13:34).
Personal am ajuns la concluzia ca Dumnezeu ne cere doua lucruri sa facem in legatura cu trezirea spirituala, primul este sa'i iubim pe ceilalti cum ne'a iubit El, iar apoi sa ne rugam pentru o trezire.
1 Corinteni 13 vorbeste despre acest fel de dragoste, si in versetul 13 gasim ' dar cea mai mare dintre ele este dragostea.'
Atat dragostea cat si rugaciunea pornesc din primul punct discutat in partea intai. Din relatia nostra cu Dumnezeu. Doar daca pornim dintr'o intimitate cu Dumnezeu putem sa ii iubim pe ceilalti cum ne'a iubit Cristos, doar in aceasta relatie gasim puterea, si resursele sa facem astfel. Totul incepe din relatia noastra cu Dumnezeu, o relatie buna si sanatoasa cu El, va aduce echilibru in toate domeniile vietii noastre.
In primul rand ar trebui sa venim cu toate asteptarile noastre si sa le lasam la picioarele lui Cristos. Trebuie sa luam toate drepturile noastre si sa le aducem la picioarele lui Cristos. Daca vrem sa iubim asa cum ne'a iubit El trebuie sa facem asta. Cristos s'a dezbracat pe sine de roba de rege si s'a facut om, a fost ascultator, ne'a iubit atat de mult incat si'a dat viata pentru noi.
Vom relua putin punctele discutate in prima parte ca sa discutam despre ceea ce noi trebuie sa facem in fiecare domeniu.
1. Casnicia si familia noastra.
Sa'mi iubesc sotul/sotia/copiii asa cum m'a iubit Cristos. Wow, o provocare care parca ma intrece, parca e imposibil de urmat. Adica sa ma las pe mine si sa'mi pun sotul/sotia in fata mea, apoi sa'mi pun copii inainte mea. Doamne e imposibil ceea ce'mi ceri!. Dar Cristos ne indeamna ' Indrazniti ca'ci eu am biruit lumea' (Ioan 16:33), apoi tot El ne asigura 'La Dumnezeu toate lucrurile sunt cu putinta' ( Matei 19:26).
Reciteste 1 Corinteni 13 din nou si in timp ce'l citesti roaga pe Duhul Sfant sa'ti arate ce trebuie sa schimbi in relatia ta cu sotul/sotia ta in relatia cu copii tai.
Nu uita sa iubesti ca si Cristos inseamna sa pui sotul/sotia ta inaintea ta si apoi din nou in relatia ta cu copiii tai sa'i pui pe ei inainte ta. Nu v'a fi usor, dar merita sa mergi pana la capat, merita sacrificiul, pentru ca asta va aduce la o casnicie implinita, o familie fericita.
Apoi bineinteles trebuie sa ne rugam ca Dumnezeu sa aduca trezire in casnicia si familia noastra.
2. Biserica locala
Din nou ni se cere aceleasi doua lucruri pe care trebuie sa le fac, sa'mi iubesc fratii si surorile asa cum m'a iubit El. Inseamna sa'i pun pe ei inaintea lor, inseamna sa ma bucur de succesul lor, inseamna sa le slujesc cu o atitudine corecta, inseamna sa ma bucur cand altul este promovat in locul meu, cand altul este laudat in locul meu., inseamna sa'l vad pe fiecare prin ochii lui Cristos. Sa lasi ca invidia, ura, gelozia, razbunarea, resentimentele, si orice altceva ce nu este de la Dumnezeu sa fie inlocuite de dragoste, iertare, rabdare, bucurie, o inima slujitoare. Crede ceea ce e mai bun din fiecare, cand vorbesti cu cineva despre altcineva, inlocuieste cuvintele cicalitoare si de judecata, cu cuvinte de lauda. Dragostea face toate aceste lucruri (1 Corinteni 13:4-7).
3. Bisericiile crestine din orasul meu
Apoi urmeaza celelalte biserici, de alte denominatiuni ca si a ta, care au un mod diferit de a se ruga, un mod diferit de a se inchina, un mod diferit de a se imbraca, un mod diferit de a fi.
De multe ori percepem ceva gresit, ceva ce nu este ca si noi.
Dar Cristos ne cere sa'i iubim pe fratii penticostali, pe fratii baptisti, pe fratii ortodocsi exact cum ne'a iubit El.
Si poate aici trebuie sa ne gandim un pic altfel. Noi suntem doar o piesa de puzzle din tabloul mare a lui Dumenzeu. De multe ori avem impresia ca noi suntem cei mai buni, noi avem totul corect, avem ce sa le daruim celorlalti, dar nu avem ce primi de la ceilalti. Gresit, total gresit. Cred ca foarte mult dragostea pentru bisericiile din alte denominatiuni consta in primul rand in acceptare. Sa'i acceptam asa cum sunt.Si apoi sa realizam ca avem ce invata de la fiecare denominatiune. De exemplu de Bisericiile Penticostale avem de invatat ca Duhul Sfant este activ si astazi si ca El doreste sa dea daruri care sa fie folosite pentru folosul celorlati. Apoi de la Biserica Baptista avem de invatat calitatea in muzica. Este adevarat ca Dumnezeu cauta o inima care sa i se inchine, dar de ce daruim ce avem mai bun celorlati si nu lui Dumenzeu. Trebuie sa daruim ce'i mai bun in muzica de inchinare de asemenea. Apoi de la Biserica Ortodoxa avem de invatat acel spirit de sfintire cu care ei trateaza Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu. Pentru noi de obicei este doar Biblia, o carte, pe care o aruncam de ici colo. Trebuie sa invatam de la ei sa ne uitam la Dumnezeu si ca si la un Dumnezeu SFANT, nu doar prietenul nostru.
Sa invatam ca noi suntem doar o piesa din puzzle, si avem ce da altor denominatiuni, dar avem si ce invata de ele.
Si apoi Cristos ne indeamna sa'i iubim pe ceilalti asa cum ne'a iubit El, ceilalti insemnand oamenii din comunitatea, orasul in care traiesti, sa fim mainile si picioarele lui Cristos. Sa dam o paine celui ce nu are, o haina celui caruia ii este frig, un pahar de apa celui ce ii este sete. Oportunitati sunt destule, trebuie doar sa invatam sa le vedem.
In toate aceste domenii dragostea este sustinuta de rugaciune. Dragostea merge mana in mana cu rugaciunea.
Iubeste cum a Iubit CRISTOS, Roaga'te cu pasiune si asteapta sa vezi ce va face Dumnezeu.
Daca alegi sa faci lucrurile astea, vei vedea lucruri mari din partea Lui.
Multumesc din nou ca ti'ai luat timpul si ai citit aceste ganduri care sper sa te ajute.
God bless
In ultima vreme ma preocupa un subiect important, o dorinta arzatoare sa vad orasul in care locuiesc, tara in care locuiesc, sa vad Gloria lui Dumnezeu peste intreg pamantul.
Trezirea spirituala, un subiect poate asa de complex dar cu interes din partea tuturor celor pasionati de Dumnezeu. Cu totii dorim o biserica, o comunitate care sa traiasca pentru Cristos. Am citit atat de multe carti despre trezirea, si sunt bune, dar ceea ce voi impartasi aici sunt gandurile din partea lui Dumnezeu pentru mine, pe care le'am primit intr'o zi in timpul meu devotional.
Prima intrebare pe care mi'am pus'o a fost "Ce este de fapt trezirea spirituala", ce inseamna trezire. Asa ca m'am pus si am cautat in dictionar. Trezire inseamna sa readuci la viata, sa restaurezi effectivitatea. Si normal trezirea spirituala este o lucrare a lui Dumnezeu, dar totusi avem si noi o parte despre care vom discuta in detaliu in partea a doua.
Cand vorbim de trezire spirituala trebuie sa ne concetram pe 4 directii:
1.Trezire in relatia mea cu Dumnezeu
Cea mai importanta relatie pe care o ai in viata ta este relatia ta cu Dumnezeu. Aceasta trebuie sa fie prioritatea ta numarul 1. Sa ajungi mai aproape de Dumnezeu, in intimitate cu El. Dorinta mea pentru mine si pentru tine este sa fim asa de aproape de Dumnezeu incat sa ii simt bataia inimii. Poate ca relatia ta cu Dumnezeu s'a racit, sau poate doar continua asa intr'o monotonie fara viata. Trezire in relatia ta cu Dumnezeu inseamna sa te indragosteti din nou de El, inseamna viata, inseamna intimitate cu El.
2. Trezirea in casnicia noastra si familia noastra.
Casnicia sau familia este prima institutie creata de Dumnezeu. In Genesa citim ca Dumnezeu a creat omul, barbatul si femeia iar ei au fost un singur trup. In primul rand trebuie sa lucram sa ne rugam pentru familiile noastre. Relatiile dintre sot si sotie, dintre parinti si copii. Prima responsabilitate pe care o ai in fata lui Dumnezeu nu este biserica ta, sau locul tau de munca ci este casnicia ta, familia ta.
Secolul 21 este un secol in care diavolul loveste foarte mult familiile. De fapt chiar de la inceput diavolul a incercat sa rupa aceasta legatura pe care Dumnezeu a format'o. Diavolul stie ca o casnicie sanatoasa, o familie sanatoasa inseamna o biserica sanatoasa si nu doar sanatoasa, dar puternica.
Asa ca haideti sa ne punem in gand sa aducem o trezire in casnicia noastra, in familia noastra. Metoda prin care vom face lucrurile astea o vom discuta putin mai tarziu.
3. Trezire in biserica noastra.
Urmatoarea pe lista este biserica noastra. Daca dorim o readucere la viata a comunitatii in care traim, trezirea incepe de la relatia noastra cu Dumnezeu, apoi de la familia noastra, iar apoi continua in biserica noastra. Fiecare din noi am dori ca biserica noastra sa fie plina de viata adevarata care este Cristos, fiecare din nou am dori ca Dumnezeu sa'si lase prezenta simtita permanent, nu doar din cand in cand, ci am dori ca prezenta lui Dumnezeu sa locuiasca simtita in biserica noastra.Cu totii dorim o biserica care indeplineste scopurile pe care Dumnezeu le are cu privire la ea.
Biserica locala din care faci parte este o parte trupul lui Cristos, mireasa lui Cristos, biserica universala, dar in acelasi timp biserica ta locala este trupul lui Cristos. Iar tu esti un madular, esti o parte din acest trup. Trezire inseamna readucere la viata, de aceea biserica ta, trupul lui Cristos trebuie readus la viata, madularele dintre care faci si tu parte trebuie readuse la viata.
3. Trezire in toate bisericile crestine.
Daca ne gandim sinceri, cand ne gandim la trezire spirituala, ne gandim la biserica noastra care se trezeste la viata si apoi ne gandim la toti oamenii necrestini care sa ajunga intr'o relatie personala cu Cristos, dar sa se intample in biserica noastra. Dar trezirea spirituala intrece limitele bisericii noastre. Ar trebui sa dorim trezire spirituala in bisericiile de alte denominatiune ca si noi. Sa ne rugam si sa dorim ca Dumnezeu sa rupa lanturile traditiei care inca tine legata biserica din Romania. Sa dorim sa vedem in Biserica Penticostala darurile Duhului Sfant in functiune , sa dorim sa vedem Biserica Baptista intr'o relatie pasionala cu Cristos, sa dorim sa vedem Biserica Ortodoxa intr'o relatie cu Cristos, botezati de Duhul Sfant. Sa dorim o trezire in biserica lui Cristos din orasul tau, din tara ta. Biserica locala din care faci parte este doar o parte, un madular din BISERICA UNIVERSALA a lui Cristos.
Iar apoi trebuie sa ne aducem aminte ca nu este vorba despre inaintarea bisericii noastre (ceea ce nu este gresit, dar sa nu ne oprim aici) este vorba despre Imparatie lui Dumnezeu care sa fie extinsa pe pamant, in orasul tau, in tara ta. Exact asa cum ne indeamna Isus in modelul de rugaciune pe care il gasim in Matei ('Vie Imparatia Ta').
Daca trezirea spirituala se va intampla in primul rand in familia ta, apoi in biserica ta locala, apoi in bisericiile din orasul tau, cu siguranta se va extinde in comunitatea ta.
Si sincer cu totii stim si credem si simtim in spiritul nostru ca ceva este pe cale sa se intample in Romania, ceva in realmul spiritual se va intampla. Iar eu doresc si ma rog si cred ca va fi mult mai mult decat o trezire spirituala va fi o Revolutie Spirituala.
Cuvantul revolutie inseamna : o intoarcere, o schimbare drastica in modul de a gandi si a actiona, o schimbare de autoritate, guvernare. Eu personal vreau sa vad o Revolutie Spirituala ce va avea loc in Romania, o tara care sa se intoarca la Dumnezeu, o tara care sa se afle sub autoritatea lui Dumnezeu, o tara, un popor ghidat de Duhul Sfant. Vreau sa vad romanii, un popor sfant, o semintie aleasa.
Cred din toata inima ca Dumnezeu are un VIS pentru Romania si ma rog ca acel vis sa devina realitate.
Acum la incheiere va multumesc pentru timpul ce l'ati luat sa cititi aceste ganduri si sa continuam toti sa dorim sa ne rugam pentru aceste lucruri.
God bless,
Trezirea spirituala, un subiect poate asa de complex dar cu interes din partea tuturor celor pasionati de Dumnezeu. Cu totii dorim o biserica, o comunitate care sa traiasca pentru Cristos. Am citit atat de multe carti despre trezirea, si sunt bune, dar ceea ce voi impartasi aici sunt gandurile din partea lui Dumnezeu pentru mine, pe care le'am primit intr'o zi in timpul meu devotional.
Prima intrebare pe care mi'am pus'o a fost "Ce este de fapt trezirea spirituala", ce inseamna trezire. Asa ca m'am pus si am cautat in dictionar. Trezire inseamna sa readuci la viata, sa restaurezi effectivitatea. Si normal trezirea spirituala este o lucrare a lui Dumnezeu, dar totusi avem si noi o parte despre care vom discuta in detaliu in partea a doua.
Cand vorbim de trezire spirituala trebuie sa ne concetram pe 4 directii:
1.Trezire in relatia mea cu Dumnezeu
Cea mai importanta relatie pe care o ai in viata ta este relatia ta cu Dumnezeu. Aceasta trebuie sa fie prioritatea ta numarul 1. Sa ajungi mai aproape de Dumnezeu, in intimitate cu El. Dorinta mea pentru mine si pentru tine este sa fim asa de aproape de Dumnezeu incat sa ii simt bataia inimii. Poate ca relatia ta cu Dumnezeu s'a racit, sau poate doar continua asa intr'o monotonie fara viata. Trezire in relatia ta cu Dumnezeu inseamna sa te indragosteti din nou de El, inseamna viata, inseamna intimitate cu El.
2. Trezirea in casnicia noastra si familia noastra.
Casnicia sau familia este prima institutie creata de Dumnezeu. In Genesa citim ca Dumnezeu a creat omul, barbatul si femeia iar ei au fost un singur trup. In primul rand trebuie sa lucram sa ne rugam pentru familiile noastre. Relatiile dintre sot si sotie, dintre parinti si copii. Prima responsabilitate pe care o ai in fata lui Dumnezeu nu este biserica ta, sau locul tau de munca ci este casnicia ta, familia ta.
Secolul 21 este un secol in care diavolul loveste foarte mult familiile. De fapt chiar de la inceput diavolul a incercat sa rupa aceasta legatura pe care Dumnezeu a format'o. Diavolul stie ca o casnicie sanatoasa, o familie sanatoasa inseamna o biserica sanatoasa si nu doar sanatoasa, dar puternica.
Asa ca haideti sa ne punem in gand sa aducem o trezire in casnicia noastra, in familia noastra. Metoda prin care vom face lucrurile astea o vom discuta putin mai tarziu.
3. Trezire in biserica noastra.
Urmatoarea pe lista este biserica noastra. Daca dorim o readucere la viata a comunitatii in care traim, trezirea incepe de la relatia noastra cu Dumnezeu, apoi de la familia noastra, iar apoi continua in biserica noastra. Fiecare din noi am dori ca biserica noastra sa fie plina de viata adevarata care este Cristos, fiecare din nou am dori ca Dumnezeu sa'si lase prezenta simtita permanent, nu doar din cand in cand, ci am dori ca prezenta lui Dumnezeu sa locuiasca simtita in biserica noastra.Cu totii dorim o biserica care indeplineste scopurile pe care Dumnezeu le are cu privire la ea.
Biserica locala din care faci parte este o parte trupul lui Cristos, mireasa lui Cristos, biserica universala, dar in acelasi timp biserica ta locala este trupul lui Cristos. Iar tu esti un madular, esti o parte din acest trup. Trezire inseamna readucere la viata, de aceea biserica ta, trupul lui Cristos trebuie readus la viata, madularele dintre care faci si tu parte trebuie readuse la viata.
3. Trezire in toate bisericile crestine.
Daca ne gandim sinceri, cand ne gandim la trezire spirituala, ne gandim la biserica noastra care se trezeste la viata si apoi ne gandim la toti oamenii necrestini care sa ajunga intr'o relatie personala cu Cristos, dar sa se intample in biserica noastra. Dar trezirea spirituala intrece limitele bisericii noastre. Ar trebui sa dorim trezire spirituala in bisericiile de alte denominatiune ca si noi. Sa ne rugam si sa dorim ca Dumnezeu sa rupa lanturile traditiei care inca tine legata biserica din Romania. Sa dorim sa vedem in Biserica Penticostala darurile Duhului Sfant in functiune , sa dorim sa vedem Biserica Baptista intr'o relatie pasionala cu Cristos, sa dorim sa vedem Biserica Ortodoxa intr'o relatie cu Cristos, botezati de Duhul Sfant. Sa dorim o trezire in biserica lui Cristos din orasul tau, din tara ta. Biserica locala din care faci parte este doar o parte, un madular din BISERICA UNIVERSALA a lui Cristos.
Iar apoi trebuie sa ne aducem aminte ca nu este vorba despre inaintarea bisericii noastre (ceea ce nu este gresit, dar sa nu ne oprim aici) este vorba despre Imparatie lui Dumnezeu care sa fie extinsa pe pamant, in orasul tau, in tara ta. Exact asa cum ne indeamna Isus in modelul de rugaciune pe care il gasim in Matei ('Vie Imparatia Ta').
Daca trezirea spirituala se va intampla in primul rand in familia ta, apoi in biserica ta locala, apoi in bisericiile din orasul tau, cu siguranta se va extinde in comunitatea ta.
Si sincer cu totii stim si credem si simtim in spiritul nostru ca ceva este pe cale sa se intample in Romania, ceva in realmul spiritual se va intampla. Iar eu doresc si ma rog si cred ca va fi mult mai mult decat o trezire spirituala va fi o Revolutie Spirituala.
Cuvantul revolutie inseamna : o intoarcere, o schimbare drastica in modul de a gandi si a actiona, o schimbare de autoritate, guvernare. Eu personal vreau sa vad o Revolutie Spirituala ce va avea loc in Romania, o tara care sa se intoarca la Dumnezeu, o tara care sa se afle sub autoritatea lui Dumnezeu, o tara, un popor ghidat de Duhul Sfant. Vreau sa vad romanii, un popor sfant, o semintie aleasa.
Cred din toata inima ca Dumnezeu are un VIS pentru Romania si ma rog ca acel vis sa devina realitate.
Acum la incheiere va multumesc pentru timpul ce l'ati luat sa cititi aceste ganduri si sa continuam toti sa dorim sa ne rugam pentru aceste lucruri.
God bless,
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